Wright uses the lab primarily for assessing new LPNs during their internships. A $1 million grant funded the sim lab alone.

The bounty of manikins and the renovated and upgraded simulation lab would not be possible without the generosity of the Morton Plant Mease Health Care Foundation. Depending on packages added to the base unit, low-fidelity manikins can go for $2,000 to $3,000, medium fidelity $8,000 to $9,000, and high fidelity from $50,000 up to $100,000 for the birthing manikin Colton used to teach Gibson. Naturally, the price takes a jump from model to model. The trainees see the consequences of their actions, good and bad.’’ “When you do something to them, they respond like a real person. “They physiologically react to what you do,’’ Wright said. Procedures can be performed on the manikin, and it responds, creating a high level of realism. They’re connected to a monitor that can display EKG, pulse oximeter, blood pressure, arterial wave forms, pulmonary artery wave forms and more. High-fidelity manikins take it a step further. Some medium-fidelity manikins even talk, recordings that say such things as “I have pain,’’ “I’m short of breath’’ or “I’m nauseous.’’ Instructors can run different scenarios through a tablet. A trainee can take its blood pressure, start an IV and listen to lung and bowel sounds.

For example, the medium-fidelity manikins are more anatomically correct than a low-fidelity manikin. In general, the higher the fidelity, the more sophisticated the manikin’s capabilities and the more life-like it appears to be. It’s home to six manikins altogether - two high fidelity (adult Hal and pediatric Hal), three medium fidelity and one low fidelity. The simulation lab includes one large room with four patient beds, two life-size patient rooms, a control room with a two-way mirror, and pertinent equipment such as a WOW cart with a computer, a crash cart, two vital sign machines and AV equipment. Bailey Education Center across the street from Mease Dunedin Hospital. Her pride and joy is the simulation lab in the Sally L.
Two years ago, Ba圜are hired Michelle Wright as an advanced professional development practitioner to lead the simulation program. “You take what you’ve learned in a book and apply it to real-life situations in a controlled setting. “Simulation is an excellent tool in a safe learning environment,’’ said Deb Covert, director of nursing development in Ba圜are's West Region. Bailey Education Center in Dunedin.Įducation through simulation takes on many forms in Ba圜are’s hospitals, whether it’s unit-specific with experienced teams on the floors or in the classroom with new licensed practical nurses.Įducators emphasize critical thinking, encouraging team members to use all their resources, ask questions and decide what intervention is needed. Joseph’s Hospital-South in Riverview, had her critical thinking put to the test during a congestive heart failure scenario with a high-fidelity manikin at the simulation lab in the Sally L. Cynthia Elmore, a licensed practical nurse at St.